At Manresa, our true strength rests in our ability to drive projects through the design & construct process; with grit, stability, and an unwavering client focus. This ensures exceptional and consistent project outcomes, every time. Our select group of multi-residential development clients will attest to this.
Featured built projects.
Your vision is assured with our strong reputation for safeguarding the architectural integrity and by delivering a high-quality sustainable build.

A safe set
of hands.
Manresa is part of the McCorkell Brown Group and was formed from an institutional building background that commenced operations in 1928. Our breadth of technical knowledge, our stability in the market and our strength of industry relationships are derived from over 90 years of continued operations. These characteristics drive all that we do.

Our collaborative and thorough approach means surety in cost, program & quality. Happy clients & their customers are by far our biggest advocates. Together with our loyal subbies we proudly provide the Manresa Built stamp of approval.

Building a
better future.
Across the business, there is a consistent approach from all management and employees, of working together to achieve required outcomes for our clients, subcontractors and ourselves.
Leaving positive
legacies within communities.
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